Work with me one-on-one

Let's get to work

Write and publish a book that establishes YOU as the go-to expert in your field. 

The right book will impact others and make you money. 

Sounds simple, but there are a lot of moving parts to consider. 

You’ll need to figure out where to start. Oh, and where to stop. What to include. What to leave out. Which stories are relevant.

Then there’s that little clarity problem. The one that punches you in the throat whenever you approach a blank page. What’s your take home message? What big result do you promise? Do you actually have a unique perspective or system that you can document?  

And you’re going to have to learn to write. Bet you’re sorry you slept through Freshman English now. Which is why you’ll toy with the idea of dropping 60k+ on a ghostwriter.

Sooner or later, you’ll get a few stories fleshed out. Then you’ll have to string them together into something cohesive because readers seem to really like structure.

You’ll encounter one roadblock after the next in your quest to write something more compelling than your standard textbook. You’ll discover that there are more landmines along this path than in the whole of Cambodia.

By the time you finish, you’ll be so blind to what you have that you won’t know if you’ve written the next bestseller or total crap.  

Then there’s the matter of how to publish the thing in such a way as to set you apart from all the rest.

Bottom line: It’s a lot to do, let alone do right. 

There’s just one problem: Your business depends on you doing it right.  

That’s where I come in.  

What To Expect

I’m all queued up waiting to sink my teeth into your book (and business). I’m going to take you from vague and hesitant, to clear and powerful. That’s how you write. That’s how you make an impact.  

Think of our relationship as book writing meets business marketing, in a way that’s fun, no nonsense, and profitable as hell.  

Hire me and you’ll get:

Your own private sales and marketing coach



Your own content developer 



Your own publishing consultant


Your own high-end dominatrix


(I’m just guessing. And KIDDING!)

Your own writing instructor


(this is why professors paint houses in the summer)

Your own holistic editor


Hiring all of these experts for their time separately would cost you a minimum of $85,000 to get you a publishable book.

Or you can book me for six months at a fraction of that cost

Here’s what you’ll get:


The Sessions Themselves

Twelve hour-long private sessions via phone or Zoom. We’ll dig deep into your vision, your business, and your stories. Determine what you've got thus far in the way of content, and decide on a basic structure. Spell out the specific action steps you’ll take to create useful, well-written material; that will ensure a huge demand for your message and your services. Schedule these sessions to keep up with your own frenetic pace.


A Visit From The Editing Fairy

Up to 20 pages per session of probing manuscript review that will have you digging deeper than you ever thought possible. My job is to study what’s on the page, poke holes in it, ask for more, demand clarity, deep six the irrelevant bits, and ask the questions that allow you to see your material in a brand new way. Because, trust me, you don’t even know what you know.


A Constant Reminder

Recordings of our calls so you can review our sessions. 


The Nixing Of Your Excuses

Email access between calls so you continually move forward. 


Freeing Up Your Brain Bytes

A customized book outline so you know exactly WHAT to write, and how to glue the pieces together.


Now What?

Clear direction when you’re ready to publish your manuscript.

Let’s get to work.